Thursday, October 11, 2012

Self Branding


What does your picture say about you, your business, or what you represent? I know some people wonder why I have a shell for my picture. The answer is simple. I want you to search out and discover what I am all about. I also know as I grow older I will look different, but I want my picture to remain consistent. 

I know some people are puzzled by the picture I have up and perhaps don’t even like it, but you have taken notice of it.

Those on my teams know what I look like, I don’t hide it. But I want you to seek me out, not just to see what I look like, but to find out what I am all about.

How many of you have let your curiosity get the better of you and have checked out my websites and IBO profile because of my picture?

How many of you have looked at a profile picture and have run the other way?

I am just amazed at how many people have profile pictures up that are unprofessional. Like the ones that have taken a picture of themselves with their computers, or my personal favorite, the ones that have taken a picture of themselves in the bathroom using the mirror.

You have decided to go into business for yourself. You are an independent professional. You are the CEO of your own major corporation!  Professionalism is imperative!  Show me a picture that represents what you want me to see.

What does the picture that you have up right now say about you?

Imagine The LV Life
Fill My VidaCup

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

You're out of order!

You're out of order!

WOW, over the past two days I've hooked up with some great people! I have learned so much in just a short time, but I know there is so much more to learn.

I have discovered that there is no one-size-fits-all formula for being successful on the Internet and if you want to play poker, you need all of your cards.

So I have this list of items that I have to research and learn about, but what do I do first?

Everyone has their own method to the madness, but the biggest thing I have learned is to not jump the gun.

• Get a good username and stick with it
• Get a picture that you want to represent what you do and stick with it
• Get an email address that includes you username and stick with it

(Do You See A Pattern Here?)

• Represent yourself, not your business
• Build relationships
• Keep focus on your goals
• Don’t spread yourself too thin
• Keep to a daily schedule
• Do your research

I have also learned to trust your gut.

• There is no such thing as a Get-Rich-Quick business
• Don’t whip out that credit card every time someone promises you success
• Try the free stuff first (chances are the free stuff is legit)

These are just a few items that I have listed in the past couple of days and it will never stop. I’ll keep learning and learning. No one knows everything, and if they say they do, or act like they do, RED FLAG!

With that being said I did find this great opportunity that is free and I’m excited about it.
Please take a few minutes and check this out.

The main thing of importance that I know about this deal is the people behind it.

They have built several multi-million dollar companies that were then sold, and are still in existence and thriving today.

And they have never before put a company together with massive millions behind it; until NOW!

I know these guys have been looking for the last couple of years for just the right products and the right combination of everything else involved in a company.

It appears that they have found it all and the only thing missing is YOU.

This is your personal invitation to enroll for FREE for a limited time and get positioned, and then build your own team for F*R*E*E*

Tracy Overway | You're out of order!

Tracy Overway | You're out of order!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

It Doesn't Work Like That!

I read this the other day and had to share it will all of you.

Yesterday in my car I was listening to old recordings of my all-time favorite author, Napoleon Hill.
He told the story of a man who had tracked him down, gotten him on the phone, and complained that his success philosophy simply didn't work.
"Why," asked Hill?
The man explained that he'd read Think and Grow Rich two or three times, put his definite chief aim and his plan to attain it in writing, and then nothing happened.
"What did you intend to get in return for your desires," asked Hill?
"Everything I've want," said the man. To which Hill replied, "Brother, it's not enough! It doesn't work like that!"
He went on to explain that simply buying his book isn't nearly enough to become successful. It takes ACTION. Lots of focused, directed ACTION!

I Hear The Same Complaint From Salespeople

One of my favorite things about my own business is all the fabulous feedback I hear from customers. Dozens of people friend me on LinkedIn each day, and there are always at least a few with a glowing testimonial as to how much my course has transformed their sales career, freed them from the drudgery of cold calling, and skyrocketed their sales numbers (and commission checks).
But, along with them, are the neer-do-wells who complain that they've bought the course and didn't have a miraculous flood of leads falling onto their desk the next morning!
To which I reply, "It doesn't work like that!"

Many people fall into the trap of "paralysis analysis" or of becoming an "info junkie" - reading book after book and going to seminar to seminar looking for answers, but never taking ACTION on any of it.
I know, because I've come close to doing that myself many times. And guess what - it doesn't work!

Want More Sales? Get Into ACTION!
If you want to sell more, the answer is ACTION! You can't buy a book or course and expect it to produce miracles like Alladin's Lamp. You must apply the information you learn, and put it to work. 

Having said that, you must take the correct action. The problem is that most salespeople are doing the wrong activity, mostly because of unqualified sales managers who believe that "increase your activity" is the answer to everything.
I've got news for you: It's not. It's not about doing more activity. It's about changing your activity to something that really works, and doing more of that!

To your success!

 Frank Rumbauskas
Sales Trainer Guru!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

It's not a job you need, IT'S MONEY!

I can't believe how many legitimate Online Marketing job there really are, once you filter through the scams. 

I have found one that teaches you how to make money with Online Marketing, and I found another that makes you money based on referrals,,and they both work! 

Do not consider the Internet simply as a place to put your brochures in electronic form. Do not make the mistake of treating the Internet as if it is simply an advertising medium. The Web has more in common with the telephone than print. It is different from traditional media in many respects.

Now if you have never worked doing Online Marketing, it is important that you learn the basics.

    1. Create an Internet business plan and live it.
  • Make them both qualitative and quantitative. This may sound obvious, but planning is one of the most neglected areas of corporate Web site management. Your Internet business strategy should be an extension of your company's existing business strategy and well-integrated with everything your company does off-line.
    2. Email marketing works, but be careful!                    
  •  Email marketing works, but be careful. Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to stay in touch with customers and prospects online. It can also be effective as a direct-marketing device. My advice to B2B marketers, in most cases, do not rent email lists, build your own.
     3. Be sure your Web site is integrated with your company's other marketing
  • Your Web site should be connected with your company. Don't make the mistake some traditional companies do and create an Internet effort that is disconnected with your company's off-line efforts
     4. Use Internet advertising where it makes sense.
  • Internet advertising has been pushed as a direct-response device, but the B2B process is far more complex and longer than with B2C. Where a B2C ad may attempt to get a consumer to make a purchase, this is not realistic for high-ticket B2B items. Instead, B2B marketers should consider using Internet advertising to reach targets that regularly use the Internet at the places they often go with ads that feature things like white papers, research, Web seminars and other information that is likely to be of strong interest to prospects.(Marketing Today, 1999)
 These are just a few tips, there is much to learn. So let me recommend a site to you and take advantage of this learning tool. Copy+Paste=Ca$h  
Always remember Karate Kid (1984)... a great movie, if you haven't seen it, watch it! ''Wax-on, Wax-off'', ''Sand the Floor'', ''Paint the Fence''... You online marketing do ''yes'' or you online marketing do ''no''. There is no ''do online marketing guess-so''!
If you are already somewhat familiar with online marketing and would like to make even more money, please check out this website and watch the video to learn how you could make more money. 

You really have nothing to lose. You may even be surprised!


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Your Guide To Starting An Online Business

Working from home isn't for everyone. You must be self-motivated and self-disciplined in order to keep on track with what must be done to increase your financial success.  At times it is difficult for me to stay motivated, especially when I've had a busy day and it just doesn't seem like making any headway. But one thing I have to always remember is that nothing worth doing or worth having is ever easy.

 I must persevere and never quit attempting to attain my goals in life. Having your own business and working from home is not easy, but if that is what you like doing, don't be discouraged. Just remember, It takes a while for any business to start making money, and Online Marketing is no different.

It is important to find a group of people that enjoy the same type of at home work as you, so you can get the support that you need to help stay motivated. Motivation is very important. Without it, it's easy to give up and fail in your goals.
Like I have said before:
I've learned that 90% of your problems can be solved by marketing.  Solving the other 10% just requires patience and persistence.
If you are serious about Online Marketing and you want to learn more about it, please check out this company that is taking the Internet by storm!

It's called Copy+Paste=Ca$h. Visit this link and watch the video, you will see how dreams of working at home are possible. You will also get the support that you need to keep motivated and learn more each day.

If you want to know more about this business, I can answer all of your questions.

Please visit my Facebook page and I will help you make your dreams come true.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Creating Sales Relationships

The selling process can be divided into three areas, pre-sales, sales, and post-sales.  The pre-sell process involves research, advertising, prospecting, and assessing needs.  The selling process involves the approach, planning the sale, the presentation, meeting objections, and closing the deal.  The post-sale process happens after the sale and involves following-up with the customer to be sure they are satisfied with their purchase.  
It is important to be able distinguish and understand the difference between the cost of customer acquisition with customer retention.  The different types of relationships for B2B and B2C in the pre and post-sale will also be explained. 


Pre-sales involves research to assess needs, meet objections, establish a demographic, and essentially predict whether or not the product will sell.  Most importantly, pre-sales involves the actual marketing of the product.  The information gathered from the research will determine which methodology should be utilized.  This approach will assist in successfully marketing the product in a cost effective way.  The planning process is an essential part of pre-sales. After the research has been performed, and a demographic has been established, a plan can be formulated which will help maintain focus on the goal that has been set.  Pre-sales activities must be performed correctly, as this is the foundation of the selling process. 


The selling process involves the approach, the presentation, and closing the deal.  This process occurs only after research has been performed, a demographic has been set, and advertising methods have been established.  In basic terms, the product or service has already been marketed, and consumers are aware that the product or service exists.  Next comes the most intricate and complicated part, which is obtaining the sale. Sales activities come after all of the efforts made in the pre-sales activities.  Sales may include phone calls, presentations, negotiations, and closing the deal.  Selling takes talent, skill, and knowledge of the product or service being sold, and begins as soon as a consumer observes an advertisement for the product and/or service.  An advertisement should attract the attention of the consumer, and leave the consumer wanting to hear more about the product or service.  The product or service should be readily available and easy to obtain.  The salesperson should be ready to answer any questions and extinguish any concerns, and in doing so, tell the customer more about the benefits of getting the product or service.  The main objective for the salesperson is to obtain the sale. 


Post Sales is the final step in the sales process, and takes place after the customer has purchased the product or service.  This is the follow-up with the customer to ensure that they are satisfied with the service and the purchase.  This is also the time to answer any additional questions the customer may have and to create a relationship that will hopefully bring repeat business to the company.
The follow-up process is not always practical, especially with a large corporation. Because of this, a customer follow-up is often reserved for clients who conduct high value purchases.  A company’s revenues are ultimately connected to the approval of the customer.  The importance of establishing customer relationships will hopefully ensure repeat business. 

B2C and B2B Sales

The two major differences between B2B and B2C markets are the number of clients, and the size of the budget.  With Business-to-Consumer sales, there are millions of individual customers while some Business-to-Business operations may have a customer base of thousands. But even though businesses do not have the large customer base, they do have spending ability.  Because of this, the B2B customer has more value. 
B2C sales are about the immediate sale.  The consumer is ready to make an immediate purchase, so the sale must be instant.  B2C sales are usually direct to the consumer, involving the seller and the buyer.  The B2C sales teams generate sales at a faster pace and have a closer connection with marketing and e-commerce.  B2B sales move at a slower pace, and involve research, networking, and negotiating.  B2C sales could prove to be too intense for a B2B salesperson, while the B2C salesperson may find B2B sales frustrating because of the slower pace.
The sales process in B2B can be very difficult and requires sales staff to be well trained and qualified to handle and manage sales deals.  The cost involved in B2B sales is very high, so it requires a great deal of time and analysis. With B2C sales, a sales representative must learn the product or service being sold in order to make the sale.  B2C and B2B both require a sales process. B2B is more time consuming, but they both still must have a well-defined sales strategy.  Perhaps the most important distinction between B2B and B2C sales is the consumer.  Consumers make buying decisions based on emotional need, whether it is for status, comfort, or security.  Business buyers make their purchasing decisions based on profitability, and enhancing productivity and service.  The selling process puts ideas and strategies in order for the purpose of making a sale, and creating long-term customer relations. 
Customers are the reason businesses operate. An organization’s survival is dependent on its ability to create and develop customer relationships. Customer acquisition and customer retention both present unique costs and benefits to an organization and are important components to B2B and B2C sales.  Customer acquisition is a term used to identify the processes and procedures a sales team uses to locate, qualify and ultimately secure the business of new customers.  Customer retention refers to the process used to keep a client's business and not have them use a competitor’s services or products.
When it comes to customer relationships, it is important to understand how important these relationships are for repeat business.  Making a customer feel valued will help encourage long-term relationships.  Marketing is the most effective approach to informing consumers about product and services. 

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